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The Surroundings

“La Meridiana” is about 2 kilometres from the medieval villages of Bargni and Serrungarina.
In Bargni, built as a fortress on a hill, you can visit the church of Santa Apollonia, consecrated in 1543.

Serrungarina has a circular plant and it is completely enclosed by an imposive circle of wall. You can reach the little square and the church of Sant’Antonio Abbate - hosting some famous paintings by Guerrieri e Persiutti, beside the mechanized nativity scene (staged from Christmas until Easter) - through its characteristic staircase.

Serrungarina is famous for the production of Cartoceto olive oil, and it ranks as the first producer of the Angelica pear in the world.
Down the valley, along the consular path Flaminia, you will meet Tavernelle, ancient Roman “statio”, where some archeological ruins are still preserved. Then, proceeding towards the Gola del Furlo there is the small town of Fossombrone, where you can visit the archeological area, the original medieval Cittadella, the ducal historic residences in Corte Alta and Corte Bassa, the Palaces of the nobility, the XVI and XVII century churches, and the museum house Quadreria Cesarini, hosting a rich collection of  works by most important artists of the of the last century.

The city of Fano is 18 kilometres from “La Meridiana”, along the Flaminia towards the seaside. Here you can visit the ruins from the Roman period (the Augustus Arch, a long stretch of Roman walls, the ruins of the Vitruvius basilica, of the theatre and the amphitheatre) and from the Malatesta period (the Malatestiano graves), beside many aristocratic palaces, churches and convents.

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